Open to dancers Level 2 and up.
2-3pm: Level 2 and 3 - Ballet, Modern, Jazz, Hip Hop
3:05-3:25pm - Tap 2, 3, 4
3:30-4:30pm - Level 4 and 5 - Ballet, Modern, Jazz, Hip Hop
An audition fee of $10 is due at the time of the audition (can be cash, check, or charged to your account). Not everyone will receive a special role. All graduating senior dancers are guaranteed a solo (if they so choose), but we have a limited number of dances and roles available to everyone else. However, everyone who auditions WILL be involved in a large group opening and/or closing number in the show. All rehearsals for these roles will take place on Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays; schedule to be set based on dancers availability.